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Quick “Read List” tips

One of the lists in the Getting Things Done system is the Read List. I keep one list with all the books I want to read with a screenshot from Amazon attached to it. However there are also a lot of articles online that I maybe want to read later. It is tedious to keep the Read List updated by taking screenshot of all the possible articles. The GTD system says that it should be easy to keep the lists updated. If it takes long time, then it is just a matter of time before they become outdated. And as a result the mind tries to remember the list, something it can´t actually do.

Readablity is a free reading service that stores all the articles you want to read in a list. That list is automatically synced to all of our devices. Once I see an article I maybe want to read later I just save it to my reading list by clicking the "Read Later" button in the Chrome plugin. That´s it. All of the articles can be accessed through the homepage of Readability, the iPhone app, Kindle or iPad app.

Readability Read List
Readability Read List

The service also removes all distractions from the page, and you can customise the layout, i.e., the background color, font size etc.

Readability Service
Readability read now GUI


Published in tips&tricks

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